Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My letter to the universe

Wow! just noticed that it's been some time since I've last logged onto my blog site and updated anything. Unfortunately I can honestly say the reason has been because I have lost my focus and I'm little by little regaining it back. I've had that the "I'm strong and I can do this" attitude for so many months and I felt like I could over come anything. I had my focus I was moving forward studying graphic designing and continued to grow my cupcake business with new ideas and ventures. However at some point I've begun to feel myself fallen and feeling defeated because I'm constantly worried about money and a steady income. I've never been in this position before I've always worked and now at this point where it's been a little over a year that I'm struggling to find work I'm screaming HELP! from the inside out. I've put a lot of time and effort into my design work and cupcake business to keep me motivated and thus far it's getting me by.

I continue to fill out applications and submit resume after resume with the hope that my efforts will soon pay off. And at this moment while writing I'm suddenly taken back to conversation that I've once had with 2 of dearest friends who have always shared the greatest advice with me. We've discussed what we want for our future, our hopes and our dreams and in order to achieve greatness we must release our hopes and dreams to the universe. If you release your greatest hopes and dreams to the universe then it becomes relevant and the progress of making those dreams come true can begin.

This blog post serves as my release to the universe and my progress can continue although I may have hit a little road block I'm building my bridge and I'm gonna make it.

I'll continue my graphic design work and my cupcake business because it's what I love to do not to mention both have grown tremendously since I first started and I love to see the progress. Another thing I'm actually pretty darn proud of myself for is that I've always been a lover of music and have always admired the craft of DJing. I can always remember family parties I was always the "DJ" as my cousins would say because I would always provide the music.I've always wanted turntables and a mixer and always wanted to learn how to mix but never really went for it. This is why I believe in the fact that you have to put all your hopes,wants and dreams out into the universe and watch and see what happens.
I wanted turntables,a mixer and I wanted to learn to spin and guess what... with the help and encouragement from my great support system I've got my turntables and my mixer and I've been practicing in my bedroom for a few years now. I'm now able to start recording my mixes and share them every now and then just for fun and the love of music. It may sound silly to some but... all I know is that I feel like it's a great accomplishment because it's something I've always wanted to do.

I'll end this post with a Hug to anyone out there that might read this, sometimes there's those days where we all need a hug.

Sending Hugs, Love and Blessings to All

Jenny Jenn

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